Invitatory Antiphon: Come, let us worship Christ, the King of martyrs.
First Antiphon: The holy martyrs died for Christ; with their blood they enriched the earth. Their gift is crowned with everlasting life.
Psalm 2
Second Antiphon: The just will live for ever; to live in God is their reward.
Psalm 33-I
Third Antiphon: My saints, you fought the good fight in this world; I will give you the reward of your labors.
Psalm 33-II
Verse: Our spirits yearn for the Lord.
Resp: He is our help and our protector.
First Reading: Mal 3:1-24
Response: The Lord whom you seek shall enter his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, shall come.
Second Reading: From the spiritual diaries of St. John de Brebeuf, priest and martyr
Response: All of them have won approval for their witness to the faith.
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