Invitatory Antiphon: Come, let us worship the Lord, the King of apostles.
First Antiphon: Their voice has gone out to the limits of the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
Psalm 19A
Second Antiphon: They proclaimed what God has done for us; they grasped the meaning of his deeds.
Psalm 64
Third Antiphon: God’s holiness was revealed by them; all nations saw God’s glory.
Psalm 97
Verse: They proclaimed the Lord’s praises, told of his power to save.
Resp: And of the wonders he had worked.
First Reading: Acts 9:27-31; 11:19-26
Response: And all who were destined for eternal life believed in it.
Second Reading: From a homily on the Gospels by St. Gregory the Great, pope
Response: So that we might understand the truth of the teaching we had received.
Te Deum
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