2022-01-11 Office of Readings2022-01-11 Office of Readings
Office of Readings for January 11, 2022 Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Hymn Antiphon: The Lord is just; he will defend the poor. Psalm 10:1-11 Antiphon: Lord,
Office of Readings for January 11, 2022 Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Hymn Antiphon: The Lord is just; he will defend the poor. Psalm 10:1-11 Antiphon: Lord,
Office of Readings for January 10, 2022 Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Hymn Antiphon: Show me your mercy, Lord, and keep me safe. Psalm 6 Antiphon: The
Office of Readings for January 9, 2022 Baptism of the Lord Hymn Antiphon: The voice of the Lord, the God of majesty, echoes over the waters. Psalm 29 Antiphon: Let
Office of Readings for January 8, 2022 Saturday after the Epiphany Hymn Antiphon: Remember us, O Lord; come with your saving help. Psalm 106:1-18 Antiphon: Keep it carefully in mind:
Office of Readings for January 7, 2022 Memorial of Raymond of Penyafort Hymn: The earth is Full of the Goodness of Christ Antiphon: If anyone wishes to be first, he
Office of Readings for January 6, 2022 Memorial of St Andre Bessette Hymn Antiphon: He asked to share your life, O Lord, and you have heard his prayer; you have
Office of Readings for January 5, 2022 Hymn Psalm 39; 52 First reading: Isaiah 63:7-19 Responsory: Isaiah 63:19; 59:11 Second reading: From a sermon by Saint Proclus of Constantinople, bishop
Office of Readings for January 4, 2022 Hymn Psalm 37 First reading: Isaiah 62:1-12 Responsory: Isaiah 62:2-3 Second reading: Excerpt from a sermon on the Epiphany attributed to Saint Hippolytus,
Office of Readings for January 3, 2022 Hymn Psalm 31 First reading: Colossians 2:16-3:4 Second reading: Excerpt from On the Holy Spirit by Saint Basil the Great, bishop Responsory: 1