Memorial of St. Irenaeus, bishop and martyr: Office of Readings
First Antiphon: Men will hate you because you are mine, but he who perseveres will be saved.
Psalm 2
Second Antiphon: The sufferings of this life cannot be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us in the life to come.
Psalm 11
Third Antiphon: The Lord tested his chosen ones as gold tested by fire; he has received them for ever as a sacrificial offering.
Psalm 17
Verse: I have known tribulations and distress.
Resp: But in your commands I have found consolation.
First Reading: 2 Sam 2:1-11; 3:1-5
Response: Until the coming of the one I have promised you; he will be the desire of nations.
Second Reading: From the treatise Against Heresies by St. Irenaeus, bishop
Response: He walked with me in goodness and in peace.
Presentation of the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) from The Liturgy of the Hours (Four Volumes) © 1975, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. The texts of Biblical readings are reproduced from the New American Bible © 1975