Invitatory Antiphon: Come, let us sing to the Lord, and shout with joy to the Rock who saves us, alleluia.
First Antiphon: See how the cross of the Lord stands revealed as the tree of life.
Psalm 1
Second Antiphon: Here is a king of my own choosing who will rule on Mount Zion.
Psalm 2
Third Antiphon: Lord, you are my protector; you have raised me up in glory.
Psalm 3
Verse: May the word of Christ ever fill your hearts
Resp: Share with one another the wisdom you receive.
First Reading: Est 1,2
Response: He raises up the needy from the dust and lifts up the poor from the dunghill
Second Reading: From a letter to Proba by St. Augustine, bishop
Response: You will pray to me, and I will listen to you.
Te Deum
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