3/24/2024 Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday): Invitatory + Office of Readings

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Invitatory Antiphon: Come, let us worship Christ the Lord, who for our sake endured temptation and suffering.


First Antiphon: Lord, our God, in splendor and majesty you are clothed, wrapped in light as in a robe.

Psalm 104

Second Antiphon: The Lord has brought forth bread from the earth, and wine to give warmth to men's hearts.

Psalm 104

Third Antiphon: The Lord looked upon all he had made and saw that it was very good.

Psalm 104

Verse: When I am lifted up from the earth.

Resp: I will draw all people to myself.

First Reading: Heb 10:1-18

Response: Here I am, Lord God, I come to do your will.

Second Reading: From a sermon by St Andrew of Crete, bishop

Response: Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Te Deum

Presentation of the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) from The Liturgy of the Hours (Four Volumes) © 1975, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. The texts of Biblical readings are reproduced from the New American Bible © 1975



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