Thursday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time
Antiphon: The word of the Lord is a strong shield for all who put their trust in him.
Psalm 18
Antiphon: Your strong right hand has upheld me, Lord.
Psalm 18
Antiphon: May the living God, my Savior, be praised for ever.
Psalm 18
Verse: Open my eyes, Lord, that I may see.
Resp: The wonders of your law.
First reading: 2 Cor 11:7-29
Responsory: Gal 1:11,12; 2 Cor 11:10,7
Resp: I did not receive it through any man, but from our Lord Jesus Christ who revealed it to me.
Second reading: From a catechetical instruction by St. Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop
Resp: You, O Israel, are the work of my hands; yhou are my own possession.
Presentation of the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) from The Liturgy of the Hours (Four Volumes) (c) 1975, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. The texts of Biblical Readings are reproduced from the New American Bible © 1975