Invitatory Antiphon: Come, let us worship Christ the Lord, who for our sake endured temptation and suffering.
First Antiphon: Lord, our God, in splendor and majesty you are clothed, wrapped in light as in a robe.
Psalm 104
Second Antiphon: The Lord has brought forth bread from the earth, and wine to give warmth to men's hearts.
Psalm 104
Third Antiphon: The Lord looked upon all he had made and saw that it was very good.
Psalm 104
Verse: The voice of the Father was heard from the cloud.
Resp: This is my beloved Son; listen to him.
First Reading: Ex 13:17-14:9
Response: Judah became God's sactuary, Israel his domain.
Second Reading: From a sermon by St. Leo the Great, pope
Response: If those wo refused to listen to him warning them on earth did not escape punishment, much less shall we escape it if we will not listen to the one who warns from heaven.
Te Deum
Presentation of the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) from The Liturgy of the Hours (Four Volumes) © 1975, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. The texts of Biblical readings are reproduced from the New American Bible © 1975